Newsletter TRANSFOPRESS – Janeiro/2023

The Transfopress Coordinating Committee wishes you all a happy and fruitful New Year.
With the slowing down of the pandemic over the past year we have gradually resumed our in-person activities and will continue to catch up in 2023.

Forthcoming Activities 2023
• Conferences
Our IXth International Conference will be held at the University of Saarland, Saarbrucken, Germany, 11-12 May 2023:
Figures et trajectoires des journalistes de la presse en langue étrangère du Siècle des Lumières à l’ère des nationalismes. Configurations et mises en perspectives comparatistes, Europe-Amérique (XVIII°-début XX° siècles)
Figures and Trajectories of the Foreign-Language Press Journalists from the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Nationalism. Configurations and Comparatist Perspectives, Europe and the Americas, (XVIIIth-Early XXth Centuries)

Organizers: Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink ( and Anaïs Nagel (

Paris, 1-2 June 2023
Research Center, Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, Paris VII
Editer en exil en temps de régimes autoritaires en Europe médiane (1918-1989)
Publishing in Exile from Authoritarian Regimes of Central Europe (1918-1989)

Organizers: Catherine Servant (; Nicola Pitsos (

• Workshops
Paris, 21 April 2023
Institut du Monde Arabe
Le Voyage dans la presse arabe et allophone au tournant du XIX° siècle
Travel Narratives in the Arabic and the Foreign-Language Press,

Organizers: by Ons Debbech ( et Nicolas Pitsos (

Montpellier, 13 October 2023
Université Paul Valéry, Montpeller 3
Presse politique allophone et en contexte colonial : Langue et contre-pouvoir
Language as Opposition in the Foreign-Language Press and the Press Published in a Colonial Context,

Organizer: Isabelle Felici (
CFP forthcoming

Paris, 15 November 2023
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, petit auditorium
D’Athènes à Santiago : pour une histoire culturelle de la lutte contre les dictatures en Grèce et au Chili
From Athens to Santiago A Cultural History of the Struggle Against the Greek and Chilean Dictatorships,

Organizers: Anne-Laure Brisac-Chraibi (, Nicolas Pitsos (

Paris, Autumn 2023 (date to be specified)
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Le théâtre et les arts vivants dans la presse allophone
Performing Arts in the Foreign-Language Press,

Organizer: Jean-Claude Yon (

Xth International Transfopress Encounter, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, May 2024 :
« Au cœur de la presse allophone transnationale : production, financement, distribution, circulation et réception (19°-20° siècles) »
“Key Issues in the Study of the Transnational Foreign-Language Press: Production, Financing, Distribution, Circulation and Receptions (19th-21th Centuries)”

XIth International Transfopress Encounter: , Athens, Autumn 2024:
“The Trans-Bordered Image: Transnational Flows and Uses of Imagery in the Foreign-Language Press”.
“L’image passe-frontière : circulations et usages transnationaux des images dans la presse allophone »

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 18-22, 2023.
V Transfopress Meeting Brazil – Commemorative 10th Year Edition
& II Meeting of the French-speaking Press of the Americas – Capes-Print UNESP Project
National Library in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Organizers: Gisele Batista (UFRJ), Orna Levin (UNICAMP), Tania Regina de Luca (UNESP) et Valéria dos Santos Guimarães (UNESP)
The program is already closed and will soon be announced.

• Cliquer ici pour consulter la newletter 2023 complète du réseau Transfopress.
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